このページでは幼少期から現在までタクがよく頑張ったと自分の得意とすることや自慢話を綴ってみました・・・・ 一号店で成功を収めた私は2号店をオープンしました、時代の先を読む男と女のヘアーサロンを貝塚市加神の『セルシー』内にオープン珍しい内装と飲食店など集積で当時話題を呼び...
This is a great place to add a tagline.
Tell customers more about you. Add a few words and a stunning pic to grab their attention and get them to click.
This space is ideal for writing a detailed description of your business and the types of services that you provide. Talk about your team and your areas of expertise.
This is a great place to add a tagline.
Tell customers more about you. Add a few words and a stunning pic to grab their attention and get them to click.
This space is ideal for writing a detailed description of your business and the types of services that you provide. Talk about your team and your areas of expertise.